- BEAUTIFUL morning . . . super hard winds last night, breezy and clean and weird harsh but muted brightness. Can't explain. #
- Thinking about transphobia & discrimination in our industry & personal & ethical probs of doing biz with ignorant bigots. #
- @HRugaru Tsk. Try camming & having your period, a computer virus, slow traffic, people rating you a 2 out of 5, eye & muscle strain, etc. in reply to HRugaru #
- @HRugaru And you don't just "play with yourself" on cam for customers. BRIGHT LIGHTS. DEMANDS. Have you learned nothing from us?!? in reply to HRugaru #
- Anyway, I'm glad I have choices. Exercise, some housecleaning, gonna eat & mow lawn, more housecleaning. Then webmastering, camshow, etc. #
- Or oh, I know. Try shaving, getting hair & makeup done, schedule show or shoot & male w/no face softcore EASY job flakes out at last minute. #
- Very happy to be spending a few hours doing physical work using lots of diff. muscles; for some reason even housework feels good today. #
- Oh barf, Charlie. Hate this BS. (watching LOST, Fire + Water S02E12) http://t.co/GwnO27BZ #
- Three post-shower, pre-show nudie pics of me in the cabin late in the day: http://t.co/scaVjLBv #
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