• GrrrAAH!! I can't be mad at these girls, but when they fuck my hair, waxing &/or nail appts THEY FUCK OUR ENTIRE SHOOT & WORK SCHEDULE! #
  • We live in a really small out-of-the-way place – can't just find another person to do it spur of the moment & I'm not good at doing myself. #
  • But look! A ray of sun: RT @misscalico …follow porn/camgirl @tastytrixie. She's the only person I don't unfollow for tweeting about poop. in reply to misscalico #
  • Actually a pathetic combo of both, @Volfie99 . . . 😉 in reply to Volfie99 #
  • More thin-t-shirt and no-bra big tits & hard nipples pics of me: http://t.co/TF8uI1H7 #
  • So many problems would be solved if all these feminists-who-should-know-better stopped using the word "vagina" and replaced it with "cunt". #
  • From now on when talking w/people who say "vagina" when meaning "vulva", I'm going to talk about my vag-oh-nuh or my vag-oh-no 2 be wrong 2. #
  • Like yeah, I told him to lick my vagohno & he was SO stupid I had to be like, not THAT part of my vagohno… my OUTER UPPER vagohno, stupid! #
  • Blame it on fucking Eve Ensler and Naomi Wolf, not porn, that young men now think the cervix is a source of sexual pleasure. #
  • My brain has been a frightening marvel of unpredictable & violent mood swings lately. Too many drugs? Or not enough? Hmmm is the answer. #
  • But seriously folks, I'm not taking A LOT of drugs, and am taking far less than prescribed. Don't worry! #
  • & there was nothing mind-altering in that suppository you may have seen me slide up my butthole. Even if there was, most of it leaked out. #

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