• Email me a $1 Amazon gift card & I'll send you a link to the video I just came to. DM (direct message) me here for my best email address. 00:19:34
  • It's that time of year in a small town when Sunday morning is more full of the sounds of chainsaws than lawnmowers. 10:39:26
  • Fucking Project Runway spoilers! Oh well, I'm going to celebrate this one, cackling all the way. 10:49:41
  • "Look at me! I'm a man! Look how much noise I as one person can make! I make you all listen! I disrupt so many! My man voice so big & loud!" 10:57:57
  • "Silence is meant to be filled with my man voice! I claim this quiet for myself & my man tools! I have strong calves! My truck is big!" 11:00:25
  • Went off the pill beginning of year. Noticing anger & rage / quick furious silly temper creeping back in & prevailing too much. #sorry 11:45:22
  • Cool. A boat full of drunk, smelly assholes. Do not fucking touch me, you stinky shithole. 14:59:57
  • Yes, I did just curse you with my eyes, you grizzled douchebag of entitlement. The back of my seat does not welcome your nasty arm. 15:01:18
  • Phew! Thank you, USCG, for jacked eye candy with guns. My spirits are lifted! Noooo, don't go! 15:04:48
  • Current text convo is unfolding at the bizarre confluence of incest-role-play and Seahawks vs. SF 49ers. 17:03:17