- We're back home! And @DeliaTS is now getting ready to cam. She'll be LIVE and available for you in less than an hou… https://t.co/DtaynD3aPZ 10:34:21
- When you give someone free hosting for 6+ years & can't help them anymore & tell them they have to look for new/the… https://t.co/tcNK6awZgZ 20:03:58
- Like … while they're still getting free hosting & payment processing. They perceive it as me fucking them over. I… https://t.co/30j4XmYIHq in reply to tastytrixie 20:07:47
- @ThomasRichmond Some people are, but definitely not all. in reply to ThomasRichmond 20:58:36
- NOT TRUE, @furrygirl. I am not deleting your sites, never said I would & would never do that. I said you need to lo… https://t.co/GKKnhCNiwz 21:54:38
- You have never paid me anything, so "business partner" is a stretch. Saying you can't do anything about any of this… https://t.co/KNTsdlZ4AA in reply to tastytrixie 22:02:29
- … supporting my rationale in deciding you need to find your own hosting. in reply to tastytrixie 22:04:09
- I have cancelled all of @FurryGirl's active memberships so they will not rebill due to her post here. All of those… https://t.co/xmRlDHnj8t in reply to tastytrixie 22:24:31
My Life Yesterday
March 2, 2023
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