- 06:17 Eep! Sorry members: the link to the new video was wrong, but I just fixed it so you can get to the jigglefuck clip now. Thanks nugget! #
- 10:50 I had to take a benadryl to get back to sleep and now I haven’t had the chance to sleep it all off. The good news is, I’m a W-O-M-A-N. #
- 11:54 I love how strong & upright my back feels the day after doing ab exercises. If only my neck were in agreement. #
- 16:45 I think I need more iron . . . my poop has been too blonde lately. #
- 22:33 Made banners for my blog sidebars to highlight our porn sites: tastytrixie.com & poste d thank you pics in panties: is.gd/czbG6 #
- 22:48 Yay! I’m starting to see positive results from my still-new to-do list software and way of keeping track of my work hours. #
- 23:11 Trying not to let a certain lazy-ass company ruin what SHOULD be my day off tomorrow. #
- 23:34 Ummm . . . I don’t know. 1,133 calories eaten today seems pretty fucking low, even if I didn’t exercise. Weird. #
- 23:57 Yeah, I need to eat more or my body will think I’m starving it because the change is too drastic. #
These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter