- 14:46 Our house is so quiet with only us in it . . . no pets, no kids . . . that’s almost 100% good but sometimes it’s kind of sad. #
- 16:58 Just got home from a much-needed walk in the woods. Lots of birds and sunlight trickling through. #
- 17:13 5 of 5 stars to Shanghai Girls by Lisa See bit.ly/9hYA8a #
- 20:01 @evilchris We sold them to the gypsies, of course! No, we never had any. In part due to fertility probs. Have sperm frozen just in case tho. #
- 20:02 Editing a set of porn pics for my site right now that remind me of that "b aby’s arm" euphemism. #
- 20:16 Marked as to-read: The Marrowbone Marble Company by M. Glenn Taylor bit.ly/cDuNU2 #
These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter