- Love starting out my day/month with a fresh pair of contacts. #
- WTF Google Reader?! I can't mark items as unread anymore??????????? Am I missing something? #
- YUM! @DeliaTS has been making the most amazing hearty grain-boosted salads lately! Thank you, honey! The spiciness in today's is so good! #
- So I just made a kickstarter profile: http://t.co/0qmmn058 (not actually as random as it seems). #
- Lost our internet connection while @deliats was doing a show. Still not up, hold music for 7 minutes w/cable co. #
- @nakedhosting It's my profile, but the project listed/I backed is actually my friend's (who I think is also a nakedhosting client 😉 in reply to nakedhosting #
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