- @UndressJess I *love* Cruel Intentions! You have to watch Dangerous Liaisons too if you haven't already – they go together. in reply to UndressJess #
- Members: have you seen the 300 new pictures I posted for you this week? http://t.co/Iuq4k96f Refresh! #
- It's very hard to coordinate things with family. Visits, events, bdays & bullshit. I know you know this, but OMFG what a timesuck nightmare! #
- Especially though when my mom and sister don't seem to have the same understanding of CALENDARS & how they can be of use. #
- Reminds me to thank my lucky fucking stars for being infertile. Makes me believe there IS a HP looking out for me. Parenting = super hard. #
- OK, but rewarding? LMAO at pic my sis sent of nephew's bday wishlist: "My Brda list. LEGOS." Hahahaha – simplicity & fervent longing. #
- Yeah, so I just came watching this promo vid of @DeliaTS that @LightningAllie wanted me to proofread hehe: http://t.co/V0CQm1jO #
- Ten minutes at a time. Ten minutes at a time. Ten minutes at a time. Glad I'm not the only one for whom that's as much as she can handle. #
- Love Majel, LOVE Jake & Muse story. (watching Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, The Muse S04E21) http://t.co/XDJ9rXW7 #
- Nude with bug bites: http://t.co/kJWUdgBX #
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