• FUCK YOU huge noisy transport helicopter practically skimming the treetops above our house. #
  • Stepping into a small gathering of mentally ill people for a few moments makes me feel extremely free & alive & expressive. #
  • @MonkeyAxis I could only do your job (& I'd do it very poorly) for about 20 minutes b4 dropping to my knees & plunging a dagger into my <3 in reply to MonkeyAxis #
  • @MonkeyAxis But yeah, the inspiration & swelling up of intense aliveness & loosened social/"normalcy" constraints is a beautiful window. in reply to MonkeyAxis #
  • Yes, I'm still posting daily nudie pics! Often at night so maybe you're missing the heads-up tweets: http://t.co/u7X8VQDJ #
  • We set a timer from car to checkout line for FIVE MINUTES at the grocery store. Worked wonders to speed my ass up. #
  • A picture of me naked in the woods today, and the cool birds we heard & saw on our walk: http://t.co/aTlPxwfn #
  • Soooooo sleepy. Feel like barfing. In a great mood anyway. #

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