- So glad that gross feeling of fearing my journal is lost or stolen or something is gone. FOUND! #
- Just read an email exchange between my mom and @DeliaTS that is so sweet it brought tears to my eyes. #
- Building promo galleries of @DeliaTS – totally need to interrupt for some masturbation; these pictures are WAY TOO HOT!! #
- I totally fail at socializing. When told to "have a nice day" I'm just like, "allright – BYE" instead of returning the nice day wish. #
- One of the things I hate most about the internet porn biz is dividing sites into "straight, lesbian & gay" categories. So dull & backwards. #
- Seriously. How does front-page site-wide straight, lesbian or gay categories help your new adult crowdfunding site? Just . . . HOW?? #
- It's so adorable how corporate-minded internet-porn ventures think they're onto a new trend but obviously still mired in 1980's mindset. #
- Oh, sorry new site! I see you've an "other" sexual orientation category (just no submitted projects yet). #
- Guessing though that "other" will be listed last. Right below "gay", which of course is last to view now. So maybe . . . 1990's mindset? #
- @Rikochanpstar totally! People who want categories, want categories that are actually MEANINGFUL. And those ones aren't in that context. in reply to Rikochanpstar #
- Didn't have time to read it now, but worth a look: What is ‘fake’ & ‘real’ in the sex industry? – http://t.co/E4Z1uxZW via @thescavengermag #
- Drinking a biiiiig glass of water in my nudie pic(s) of today: http://t.co/v0HOSlve #
- Looking forward to a bedtime snack and, ummm, BED after almost twelve hours of work today. #
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