• More sexiness: I had a great time updating my credit card information with a new expiration date tonight on a bunch of billing profiles! 00:09:40
  • Feel like withdrawing into a cave DEEP inside & under a mountain, entered through a loooooong velvety tunnel only @DeliaTS & I can traverse. 00:40:37
  • But one of the cave rooms should be painted with polka dots and have hot water, and plenty of boiled eggs and noodles to sustain us. 00:41:33
  • A picture preview on of our newest HD video: http://t.co/9px28O8q pink stockings, my strap-on & beautiful @DeliaTS ! 12:23:32
  • My nudie pic(s) of the day: http://t.co/jHdehkL7 Naked with my ballot. 13:05:44
  • So fucking happy to see the sun showing brightly on the tree trunks on its way down. http://t.co/Nub57HKs 16:04:14
  • Holding these sunny outside images/reality in my head & guts & heart while I'm inside doing the bills. http://t.co/VzzaFwBq 16:07:22
  • My 5 minute drawing of one of the many shaggy manes in our yard: http://t.co/B7hDuzwj I want to draw them at various stages. 16:45:29
  • (that's how I'm occupying my time while waiting for a report to load that won't load so I can do the bills). 16:47:00
  • Now onto an unintentionally creepy bad drawing of a black cat. Report still won't load. Wondering, as always, when to just give up. 16:57:26
  • Almost 3 hours later it looks like this report just wasn't meant to run. So I won't be finishing the bills. Let the fun stretch in2 2morrow! 18:30:23
  • Condoms shouldn't be mandatory. Yes, industry testing has worked for HIV transmission prevention. But it NEVER worked for herpes, warts, etc 18:33:17
  • So when industry people make stupid blanket statements like "it works!!" it makes us sound like liars and/or dumb fucks. 18:35:57
  • Okay, I *am* starting to get excited to see results on some of our state issues and races. 19:00:01
  • Election night stress? Camgirls like @DeliaTS can help with that! http://t.co/VTfz3fcE 19:03:32
  • Firing this up on Netflix for election night. "America…FUCK YEAH!!" (watching Team America: World Police) http://t.co/IdkqEwQz 22:09:40