• The rain sounds loud, but even when I stand outside in it, somehow it barely seems to fall on my head. Was hoping to get wetter, faster. #
  • @UndressJess Who is it? I can't DM you because twitter says you're not following me anymore. in reply to UndressJess #
  • I loathe having these stupid twitter trends shoved in my face. #FemalesOutHereShapedLike should be cool, but it SUCKS. HATE this shit. #
  • Does anyone have a good link to something talking about twitter's lame-ass tendency to unfollow people who you don't want to unfollow? #
  • LOL RT @DeliaTS Oops, this … fell out of my backpack when…going through security but a nice TSA agent picked it up: http://t.co/rQQxUBkr in reply to DeliaTS #
  • Just home from picking up @DeliaTS at the airport. Fucking exhausted. And I'm not the only one. #
  • Feeding myself tiny salty spoonfuls of pickle juice in bed. #
  • Trying not to mix up the calamine lotion and pepto bismol on nightstand. Could be counterproductive to mistakenly switch & use. #

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