- Talking w/ @DeliaTS about what size & formats to offer our new HD videos in. TU Nugget for feedback; anyone else w/ suggestions? #
- We have been doing 2 .wmv & 2 .mp4 – probably sticking with those 2 formats, but what resolution & frame rate for the widescreen HDs? #
- So much for the BS that flashers are harmless & that rape victims are teases who just ask for it: http://t.co/DpcZl5BC #
- Self: don't read comments don't read comments don't read comments try not to HATE people so much just don't read comments FUCK. #
- Remember these pics of me in a pink towel & hot rollers lotioning up my big boobs? http://t.co/pGs1iHcr I just posted the video for members! #
- It's hard to believe nobody ever commented on this post I made about "Tucks": http://t.co/dBrfbrnz #
- (written before we moved to same property as cabin and I wasn't using it as WebWhore Headquarters) #
- LOL @luisvillacres (actually referred to comments on the article about the elder being raped & beaten for documenting park masturbator) in reply to luisvillacres #
- @rocknrollcola Both sets are up now / have been for quite awhile; just now got around to posting the boob-lotioning vid, though. in reply to rocknrollcola #
- About to have some bran cereal w/freshly-picked blackberries. http://t.co/93VS32il #
- Fuck me . . . just got the hottest blurry camera phone pic with new cock guy's big hand on me, SO HUGE, like a giant pawing me. *swoon* #
- Just shot about an hour ago: my daily nudie pic(s) are black & white snapshots for the dark moon: http://t.co/VopGLgod #
- UGH "top ten tips to end rape" floating around: WOMEN ARE NOT THE ONLY PEOPLE WHO GET RAPED, roofied, etc. Or is that part of the "joke"? #
- I mean, I know it's not a joke, but do they think they're making a great point by sounding fucking stupid? #
- @_Laura33_ I love it . . . what is that line from? I kind of love cloven hooves in general . . . in reply to _Laura33_ #
- It's maddening & heartbreaking to see someone fail miserably AND BLAME THE REST OF THE WORLD instead of admitting they're a stupid asshole. #
- What is the song I will sing when I'm running with elastic light under my heels into the realm of euphoria? #
- When I cried he suggested that joy & fear occupy a lot of the same space ( re: @tastytrixie ). That feels true to me. If not space, journey. in reply to tastytrixie #
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