• You're all making me jealous of your gym time, @jagfit @Rikochanpstar ! Hope we can budget that in again one of these days. I miss machines. in reply to jagfit #
  • Do I look like a cowardly lion in the nudie pics @DeliaTS just took of me? http://t.co/3HJVu7cn #
  • And in case you missed my self-shot daily nude from yesterday posted near midnight last night, here it is: http://t.co/D6JLVCWI #
  • Now that we have this good HD camcorder I keep wish we had it with us ALL the time. Like in the carwash just now. #
  • Feeling wistful about the boys/men who've been in & out of me/y life over the past year+, some in limbo / at a distance I'm bad at bridging. #
  • And a couple I'm relieved are distant, but whose cocks I think about too much. And sometimes feelings and stuff I can't fix. Days: shorter. #
  • I feel hungry to fuck those guys and a little like crying. And there's nothing I can do about it. #
  • I don't want to think of the right words, I don't want to talk on the phone, I don't want to do email. #
  • I want to fuck and have slow-motion head-butts, fluids, and looks behind sweaty half-closed eyelids tell them I have love for them. #
  • Also: I WANT. To MAKE. More HARDCORE. PORN. With cocks cocks cocks cocks cocks cocks cocks cocks HARD FUCKING COCKS and ME. #
  • Made a fetlife account (not as Trixie, but FOR Trixie), but I can tell already it's going to be pretty fucking useless. I miss the old days. #
  • Wait . . . you can't even send people pics in messages on fetlife? Am I seeing that correctly? OMG you people & your fucking "communities"! #
  • I'm so glad I was around for the time when I compulsive sex freak could fucking HOOK UP in less than 2 hours with a stranger. #
  • The only remedy for this is pizza. And donuts and brownies and ice cream and french fries and burgers and pasta and OMG OMG I'm in pain!! #

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